The boys hit the mics a few days early to bring you an episode so jam packed even Lavy would have to appreciate it. Did you know Seattle put down a TEN MILLION dollar down payment for an NHL expansion team?! Also, the NHL Player Safety committee has been handing down suspensions right and left. Are they correct? Will they take note of the ECHL fight between the Walleye and Mavericks? Let’s be honest though, the main thing we’re happy about is Fisher is back. With the idea Tolvanen possibly coming to the NHL soon, could he play on a line with Fisher to learn the ropes from the man himself? Finally, did you read the Gallagher quotes after the Montreal game? If not, never fear because we have them and decide to forego the Top 5 this week to talk about the Blackhawks free fall from grace and the way their so called “fans” have responded.
You can find the show on Twitter @MusicCityGold and you can find the guys at:
Kyle – @kylehancock
Daniel – @seedandrum
Matt – @MattBain31