A few years back, I did a Q & A on attending Preds Camps. Here is all you need to know to get ready for some summer hockey action. Development camp is a great time to not only get that hockey fix, but see the future of our team. I found it is an opportunity to pick some players to take an interest in. I started following Patric Hornqvist his first camp. It has been fun watching him from his playing days in Sweden all the way up till now.
So come out to Centennial, watch the guys, maybe pick someone to follow, and just have fun watching HOCKEY!
Q. Is Preds camp open to the public?
A. YES! All on ice sessions at Centennial are open to the public.
Q. How much does it cost?
A. Free!
Q. Do players sign autographs?
A. Most of the time, Yes. Keep in mind that there are three groups for on-ice sessions and when they leave the ice, they will be heading to meetings and such. Just ask nicely and most will sign.
Q. What should I expect from camp
A. Well, a few things:
1) You’re up close; seating is very close on both rinks WATCH FOR PUCKS!
2) It’s an ice rink. If you get cold easily, bring a sweater, jacket or a jersey!
3) Practices are held on the larger A and smaller B rink. Sometimes both rinks at same time. If only one rink is used, be prepared to swap midway through practice. Seating is on wooden bleachers or carpet covered concrete bleachers, if you don’t like hard seats, bring a cushion such as foam bleacher seat.
Q. Is Ryan Jones related to Seth Jones?
A. No.
Q. Will going to Camp make me a better person?
A. Yes, and an excellent hockey fan.
Q. Will Big Ben be at camp? Will he be painted?
A. I will be there on Saturday, I will not be painted.
Q. Is it cool to just let my kids run around while I watch or wait for autographs?
A. NO, please be respectful of others, I do bring my son to some camps, he loves hockey, but I know he might not be up for several hours of camp. Crying and screaming kids distract other fans, and make Seth Jones mad (I am guessing). You don’t want to risk making Seth Jones mad, do you?
Q. Do the players wear their numbers so we can identify them?
A. Sometimes. If your unfamiliar with players you may want to check out pics on Predators website. Normally at least their helmets are numbered but not always the jerseys. There are some great rosters on the web as well. Print one off and stay up to date!
Here is a list of players that will be at Development Camp:
Forwards: Pontus Aberg, Chase Balisy, Zach Budish, Filip Forsberg, Sebastien Geoffrion, Felix Girard, Max Gortz, Ludwig Karlsson, Brendan Leipsic, Michael Liambas, Wade Murphy, Joe Pendenza, Emil Pettersson, Miikka Salomaki, Josh Shalla, Colton Sissons, Zach Stepan, Tommy Veilleux, Jimmy Vesey, Austin Watson
Defense: Anthony Bitetto, Simon Fernholm, Seth Jones, Teemu Kivihalme, Garrett Noonan, Charles-Olivier Roussel, Mikko Vainonen
Goalies: Magnus Hellberg, Janne Juvonen, Marek Mazanec, Juuse Saros
Q. Do players pose for pics?
A. Most guys will try to pose. Again keep in mind other fans and player time constraints
I hope these help you enjoy development camp. It’s a fun time. Players and fans get really involved. If a goalie makes a great save or player scores a beautiful goal, the crowd may even cheer. I recommend being prepared if you want autographs. Know who you’re wanting, have your marker out and cap off, waiting. Also. Don’t keep the marker in your mouth, players don’t want to touch that.